Network & Data Security
Data is the foundation of every business, it is an absolute must that it gets the best protection available. Together with our large community of security software partners we can anticipate any security threats and proactively manage our clients’ accounts in order to minimize any risk. We have dedicated representatives that monitor those platforms 24/7 to stay ahead of the game.
We give frequent staff awareness training so we are always up to date with the rapidly changing hacker trends. In the event of an ‘Infection’ our team of Technical Account Managers will take the appropriate action to contain and remove harmful infections. This means you can rest assured that your companies valuable data is protected against malicious attack.
Our regular pre-booked on-site days are delivered by your Technical Account Manager to conduct pro-active tasks as well as deliver IT support. These on site days naturally lead to a closer integration with your business culture and systems.

FREE 30-Minute Security Assessment
Are you completely fed up of constantly worrying if your data is safe and secure? Do you worry that you will get hacked? Are you concerned that you do not have the proper protection? Learn the best ways to secure and protect your data and get reliable security for your business. This approach has SAVED our clients THOUSANDS of DOLLARS and we are happy to share it with you.