I Have Some Sleepless Nights, But One Of The Things I Don’t Worry About Anymore Is Our Computer System And The Data It Holds.

We constantly get compliments from our clients and business partners about how efficiently our business runs. ItCon has done a tremendous job at making sure we have the fastest and most up-to-date systems in place to enable us to get things done in the shortest amount of time. As a business owner, I still have sleepless nights, but one of the things that I don’t worry about anymore is losing all the irreplaceable data we have and our system.

We are a very fast-growing company and our network holds a lot of critical data that need to be secured and that I could never afford to lose. If we had a disaster like a fire or a tornado, I know that we would be back up and running the next day because ItCon is constantly monitoring our backups and our system to make sure nothing is going wrong that would jeopardize the security of our data and our records. I also have the peace of mind knowing that my employees have someone to call who will get us back up and running ASAP if something goes down. You almost can’t put a price on it. I trust ItCon and have a personal relationship with the owners. That’s important to me because it gives me confidence that I can completely trust them to do what’s right for my company. You don’t get that with most IT firms.

If we had a disaster, I know that we would be back up and running the next day because ItCon is constantly monitoring our backups.

Brian Finkelstein Brian Finkelstein CEO
Madison Trust

Secure Proactive It & Cyber Security

ItCon has upgraded our company to perform better, they are here for us not only to handle our IT, Cyber Security, and anything related to our data, they are ALWAYS here for us no matter how big or small the task is. with ItCon, EVERYTHING is possible! ItCon are proactive as opposed to reactive and have an excellent personal relationship with everyone in the company from executives to the people behind the phones alike. I can truly rely on them to treat my company with the utmost care while keeping it up to par and secure. If someone is shopping for a solid IT MSSP, I would tell them: Don’t waste your time going around trying other firms and wasting money, time, and resources just to realize you would have saved all that and a lot of aggravation by making the right decision. Instead use that wasted money and time to help a brother in need.

Gershon Sabol Gershon Sabol CEO

Co-Managed It That Works!

ItCon set up a functioning worry-free co-managed IT department for us. They are on top of EVERYTHING be it technical, security, personal relationships or miscellaneous tasks. ItCon takes it all upon themselves, they dot all their i’s and cross all their t’s. Every person at ItCon is vigilant about not letting anything fall through the cracks. Our in-house IT staff has an amazing, transparent, working relationships with them and ItCon created the possibility to get everyone on the same page working as a team, to be as efficient and productive as possible. I am truly happy that I hired ItCon to be part of our team!

Joel Kestenbaum Chief Operating Officer
ODA Primary Health Care Network

Secure Proactive IT & Cyber Security!

ItCon has upgraded our company to perform better, they are here for us not only to handle our IT, Cyber Security, and anything related to our data, they are ALWAYS here for us no matter how big or small the task is. with ItCon, EVERYTHING is possible! ItCon are proactive as opposed to reactive and have an excellent personal relationship with everyone in the company from executives to the people behind the phones alike. I can truly rely on them to treat my company with the utmost care while keeping it up to par and secure. If someone is shopping for a solid IT MSSP, I would tell them: Don’t waste your time going around trying other firms and wasting money, time, and resources just to realize you would have saved all that and a lot of aggravation by making the right decision. Instead use that wasted money and time to help a brother in need. 😉

Heshy Kryshchek Chief Operating Officer
Triumph ABA

ItCon Has Taken The Burden Off My Back!

When we were with our previous IT company, the executives in our company were misled into thinking that our network is being monitored properly and a simple local backup created should suffice. Until our network was hit by the well-known malware “ransomware”. This malware paralyzed our entire operation for 10 full days. Even after we were back up and running, due to the lack of proper backup, our agency lost tremendous amount of data which we were not able to recover. So if anyone thinks that monitoring is really not needed, or backups are not as necessary, I can tell them first hand that sooner or later they will get hit You have to be able to prevent the disease and have the cure handy as well. Thanks to ItCon and their Business Care program, the entire burden of computer support has been taken off my back, and I don’t have to worry about security threats or downtime. Now we are getting regular Microsoft updates, virus updates, spyware is being scanned and removed, the temporary files are getting cleaned up, and our backups are being taken care of. It’s really helped speed up our network, our programs run better, and we don’t have the recurring problems that we had in the past. It’s really rare to find an IT and cyber security company that caters to Businesses like ours and get the support they provide. I’m very proud of what we’ve accomplished here and since ItCon has become part of our team, we have hired and branched out more. We never feel that any other client take priority over our company. Each Employee in ItCon has the support, knowledge and sophistication needed, yet manage to give that personal attention to each and every employee at our company. You would think Moshe, who is the CTO, doesn’t have any other customers because he’s always available never have imagined back when things were cruising along. Our business has grown so much since ItCon has come on board. I truly believe that ItCon helped us grow and helped us get and maintain the clients that we have. I think it’s wonderful. Goodbye Problems, Hello Safety and Security!

Rachamim Hakakian Rachamim Hakakian Director of Operations
Yedei Chesed

ItCon Is A Time-Saver!

I used to get caught up with it issues and it disrupted the workflow of my business. Ever since ItCon came onboard I don’t spend valuable time solving IT and cyber security problems plus there are less problems than before. I now spend my time working on deals that will bring in more money for my company and have also had some time to expand into real estate investments. ItCon's business care solution and cyber security is like having a full time MSSP department at the ready without the costs. I like being able to call for IT help and get a near-immediate response. Recently I arrived at my office to find that I was unable to access documents on the network server from my workstation. It was holiday season and I was under a tremendous pressure for getting all orders out on time and needed immediate access to the documents. I placed a service ticket with ItCon and within 2 minutes I had an ItCon tech logged into my system and working on the problem. Also, having ItCon do the IT and cyber security work has provided invaluable continuity of the IT solutions used in my company. Thanks!

Shana Binder Chief Financial Officer
Daas Wellness

Itcon Helps Us Work On Our Business, Not In Our Business!

My Company has been in Business for many years and ItCon is the only IT Company I have used. They have grown with my company from just a handful of people to over 50 employees. ItCon has been a key part of the team in helping our company grow to its current level. ItCon stays involved, in tune with the times and technology. They allow us to do what we do best as an electrical contractor. They find ways to bring technology to our team for better production and information distribution. ItCon has always treated my company with a personal touch, as a team member not just another client. All companies are only as strong as their people and the people at ItCon will join your team and do their part. Bring them on as a team member. They find ways to bring technology to our team for better production and information distribution.

Eli Weiss Chief Executive Officer
Weiss Realty & Management

No More Sleepless Nights!

As a business owner I had constant sleepless nights worrying about losing our data, ItCon makes sure that’s one thing I don’t worry about anymore because our computer system and the irreplaceable data it holds is in great hands. That reassurance you don’t get that with most IT firms. We constantly get compliments from our clients and business partners about how efficiently our business runs. ItCon has done a tremendous job at making sure we have the fastest and most up-to date systems in place to enable us to get things done in the shortest amount of time. We are a very fast-growing company and our network holds a lot of critical data that need to be secured and that I could never afford to lose. If we had a disaster like a fire or a tornado, I know that we would be back up and running the next day because ItCon is constantly monitoring our backups and our system to make sure nothing is going wrong that would jeopardize the security of our data and our records. I also have the peace of mind knowing that my employees have someone to call who will get us back up and running ASAP if something goes down. You almost can’t put a price on it. I trust ItCon and have a personal relationship with the owners. That’s important to me because it gives me confidence that I can completely trust them to do what’s right for my company, you don’t get that with most IT firms!

Shulem Bodansky Chief Executive Officer
Perlman Square

Best Decision I Ever Made!

Before ItCon, I felt like I was suffering from symptoms with undiagnosed illness then I finally found a doctor who could help! Thank you. I often try to fiddle around with things, thinking the software manuals were written for people like me. After becoming increasingly frustrated and to the point of despair, your team comes in with the confidence necessary to take the strain off my shoulders. Using ItCon has been one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. Now I don’t need to remind myself to call them first and not waste time in trying to do things myself, I remember to make the call because like that I have the time to work on new projects to grow my business.

Avrum Laufer Chief Executive Officer
Laufer Financial Services

Experienced Significant Growth!

Dealing with constant miscommunication and bad customer service with IT and Security providers kept me busy with my companies’ little things instead of our growth. Since we hired ItCon they simply outperform other IT and Security companies across the board. They modified their services to fit our needs and handle our company with transparency and honesty. We experienced significant growth over the past few years and ItCon is always there to provides great advice and will do whatever is necessary to support our continuous growth. In addition to the knowledge and recommendations we need to keep our infrastructure up to date, ItCon provides great service. They are available to handle issues even after hours and on weekends. This is critical to a company like ours that functions around the clock. If you are considering hiring ItCon, “Just do it, you will not regret it.”

Pinchus Brecher Pinchus Brecher LCSW, CASAC ECD
Daas Wellness

Fast Communication And Support!

ItCon’s service has help us reduce our time and effort spend on negotiating contracts with vendors. This is the first time I’m saying this to a vendor, you guys should reach out more often and tell us what other services or product offerings you provide because we love working with ItCon. Their fast communication and support make them a great vendor to have as part of our team.

Mike Wu Chief Executive Officer
AgilePoint, Inc

Personalized It & Reliable Team!

Before using ItCon we constantly got held up with IT frustrations and had to be constantly involved with the IT of our company. ItCon came in, gave us a detailed plan customized to all our needs and is working together with our in-house IT team to always be up to par. ItCon is true to their word and has great open communication through every step. This makes me feel confident that our IT department is productive and in great hands, which gives me peace of mind. When asked if a company should hire ItCon I have 3 words for them: JUST DO IT!

Joseph Deutsch Joseph Deutsch CEO
ODA Primary 

ItCon's Quick Response Is Unbelievable!

When you’re running a fast pace business getting a good IT and cyber security company is one of those things that get put on the back burner and you just deal with what you have. We finally took the time to invest in ItCon and the only regret I have is why I did not do it sooner. Our network was down one night due to a power outage, ItCon responded right away and had it taken care of before the next morning; your quick response to correct any issues that arises is unbelievable. All the employees in your company are top grade techs and we are very happy with your service. I would also like to thank you for how you took care of our firewall issue; you guys took care of the problem and upgraded our firewall with a better unit at no expense to us. Thanks!” When we had a hard drive failure on one of our systems, you called us and told us the hard drive was going to fail! You ordered another one and changed it before we felt anything! That’s amazing! When we called you to come join our company, we envisioned break/fix service. We never thought we’d get an entire team that gives such exceptional service!

Steve Deutch Vice President
Midwood Distributors

Proven High Quality!

ItCon has proved to me that high quality, reliable, stress-free IT truly does exist. Their personal relationship is outstanding, and it makes me feel confident that my company is in good hands. If any issues should occur, ItCon is always there to get it resolved. Even non-IT related questions can always be discussed with them, and they will help us by way of introductions and possible solutions. They are the best business partner I’ve ever worked with. Finding an IT MSSP that will respond as efficiently and effectively as they do was what helped me scale my business stress-free!

Avrum Laufer Chief Executive Officer
Laufer Financial Services

Personalized, Professional, & Responsive!

From my experience working with other firms, ItCon’s customer service sets them apart from their peers. ItCon’s scale-able solution allowed us to grow by more than 300% with no worries about IT and Security staffing, training or recruitment. I can count on their personalized, proactive and responsive service, whether it’s at 2am on a Sunday or a 2pm on a Wednesday. With ItCon always being there for us, I know my IT and cyber security needs are addressed no matter how big or small they are, and my company is functioning smoothly with a reliable team at its side.

Mordechai Binder Mordechai Binder COO
Daas Wellness

First-Class Corporate It And Cyber Security Infrastructure!

As the founder of Yes I Can Services in Brooklyn, New York, I know how important it is to have a solid foundation for sharing data and communication; and when your team is mostly ‘virtual’ - spread out across the country and Internationally - this becomes even more important. And given the fact that I’ve been spoiled by having first-class corporate IT and cyber security infrastructure, I wasn’t about to settle for anything less than the best for keeping our mission-critical applications, data and communications working. That’s why I feel so fortunate to have been introduced to ItCon. They have incorporated redundant systems with a dependable backup strategy which has guaranteed us constant up-time and easy access for my team to all of our network resources. I have referred ItCon to my colleagues and have received nothing but positive comments on their expertise, responsiveness and attention to providing top notch services.

Simcha Feller Chief Executive Officer
Yes I Can

Treats Us With Respect, Dignity And Has A Can-Do Attitude!

Every companies biggest fear is getting hacked, from when ItCon joined our team they took that fear away. With ItCon’s exceptional security and protection we do not have ANY breaches and they keep us educated on the importance of security. ItCon is there to service us 24/7, they have a good ticket system that gets answered in a timely manner. If an urgent matter should occur, we get full support from the entire team and they will come into our office on weekends, after hours or work through night well into the morning hours till they fix the issue. ItCon always treats us with respect, dignity and has a CAN-DO attitude. We have a small business type of relationship with the owners of ItCon (when its required) and the professionalism of a large company. ItCon is an IT company that truly cares and does the right thing!

Meyer Gross Vice President of Sales
Tiger Industries, Inc.

Priceless Network Security!

ItCon gives us the ability to work in ease and grow our business by providing us with a secure network where we know what is really happening on our network Security, that is PRICELESS! If approached by someone who is looking for an IT firm, I would ask them “Do you trust this person with your business? Would you be comfortable seeing this person and their team when everything is hitting the fan? If the answer is no to either than don’t hire them to handle your IT. With ItCon I can confidently say the answer always YES!”

Yehuda Rosenstock Yehuda Rosenstock Director
Tiger Companies, Inc.

ItCon Is My It And Cyber Security Department!

I need to ensure that I provide my team with a reliable IT network and technical support which allows them to do their job with minimum downtime. So, when our IT and cyber security solutions wasn’t working, I was looking for an IT and cyber security provider and hired ItCon. ItCon did not just provide us with a product or service they gave me an IT and cyber security department. I trust the guidance I get from Leah and the team and this allows me to add value to the business in other areas. I see ItCon as my IT Department and therefore trust is a high factor in our relationship, I feel confident that I don’t have to question their guidance. Businesses are made up of people and the people keep the clients. We are continually called by competitors to ItCon and the key reason I don’t entertain them is because we work well with the individuals within ItCon. My team feels comfortable with their team and this makes a difference. I feel they take the smallest project (installing a printer) just as seriously as the larger ones like setting up a new office. If you didn’t meet anyone from ItCon yet, I’d suggest you meet them. I confidently say that ItCon supports and works in close relationship with my business. Relationships are key and are developed through time. IT companies can all sound the same, its only when you test the service and interact with the people that you see the difference. Give ItCon a ring today.

Milton Berg Milton Berg CEO
MB Advisors

We're Saving Money Each Year Without Even Trying!

I was spending a few hours a day dealing with disgruntled employees. “Most people would just say “that’s business” but in my line of business I can’t afford to have a disgruntled staff. I need to give them the tools to do their jobs. We sell Hardware and builders supplies in other words, we are in charge of managing our clients’ most precious asset: their homes. We pride ourselves that we give instant customer service, but we were getting to the point where it was extremely difficult. The tools we needed to deliver our services were missing. We are extremely reliant on our IT and cybersecurity, and it just wasn’t working for us. For example, between my own spam and those of my employees, I estimate we were losing upward of six personal hours per day – that calculates out to about $30,000 per year in lost productivity. Then along came ItCon. We were recommended to ItCon by our business consultant, who felt that ItCon was the best company for us. It has proven to be both a fulfilling and a wonderful experience. When I heard what ItCon was offering, I said, this is what I need. I need to depend on a company that I can pick up the phone and know that they will be here 24 hours a day. Not only has ItCon rid my company of the burden of IT and cybersecurity; they have put a lasting end to recurring problems we were having with 3rd party vendors. They have taken anything “technical” under their wings, and make sure it’s all working as well as can be expected from the 3rd party. They have even updated the voice on our automated prompts, introduced a more secure and reliable backup program than our old tape backups. Having the right technology systems in place has helped us be more responsive, deliver great customer service, and be more efficient. ItCon is always there when we need them, and they’ve never told me they can’t get something done. I would highly recommend them to anyone So to all the skeptics out there, I, as someone who has an MS degree in computers myself, must say that ItCon provides a superb level of service that is very hard to find. The personal attention to your business and infrastructure is second to none. They treat your business as if it were their own. The customer service is fantastic, and ticket turn around in most cases have been within minutes. It’s really rare to find an IT and cybersecurity company that caters to your businesses personal need and provides exceptional customer support.

Abe Wertzberger Chief Executive Officer
Ace Corner Hardware

An Investment Long Since Paid Off!

One of the main things we were looking for when hiring an IT and Security company was who can we rely on for maximum uptime, with ItCon we always receive a quick response and solution which results in us having very little downtime. We’ve been very happy with ItCon’s service, they are always there for us right away. When I know my employees are in excellent hands and are able to do their best, I can go out there to get more business. The money we invested in ItCon has long since paid off, we are continuously reaping the benefits of the amazing program. I don’t know how they do it, but it’s a job well done!

Yidel Weiss Yidel Weiss CEO
Weiss Realty

The Personal Touch!

Having an It and cyber security provider we can fully rely on is extremely important when our day depends on our computers. We had a lot of frustrating experiences with our previous providers and since we hired ItCon we sleep comfortably at night knowing our IT and cyber security systems are taken care of and well protected. ItCon is very responsive, after a storm our server has been down, we were having difficulty logging into our computers and ItCon saved the day by taking care of it right away. They take the time to explain what is wrong, what needs to be done to fix it and get it done in an efficient timely manner. We are very happy with the services ItCon provides and recommend them to many of our friends. Give ItCon a call, you will be glad you did.

Shulem Green Chief Executive Officer
Midwood Distributors

ItCon Gives Us a True Peace of Mind!

If you’re looking for an exceptional IT Support and Cyber Security provider, you need to contact ItCon. ItCon’s team is full of friendly professionals that take care of all our IT needs in efficient fashion. Obtaining a peace of mind is not an easy task, but ItCon succeeds in giving us just that. Every issue that we encounter is properly recognized, addressed, and resolved in a timely manner. Timeliness is crucial to our company’s daily responsibilities and ItCon’s timeliness is second to none. ItCon is a true FULL SERVICE IT firm! Go with ItCon – you won’t regret it.

Estee Lowy Estee Lowy COO
Highview National Insurance Company 

Definitely go with ItCon!

When working with previous IT companies, it seemed like it would take forever for us to get someone on the phone and ready to help us. This is not the case with ItCon! There is always someone available on the phone to help us whenever we need... I’m starting to wonder if they even have a voicemail! They are proactive in their maintenance, and we never feel like we need to hunt them down when something goes wrong. Our systems are constantly being tested and updated so we can continue working with optimal efficiency!

Benny Kahan Buyer
Sherwood Brands
Midwood Distributors

Best of the Best!

Working with ItCon has made a huge difference in how we operate our business. When it comes to IT, we expect immediate assistance when we encounter a problem in order to minimize any downtime and detriments to our company. ItCon is on another level; there is always someone kind and professional to answer the phone. We are quick to report any problems we encounter and ItCon is just as quick to start resolving them! ItCon’s prompt responsiveness, transparent communication and proactive maintenance really allows us to trust them with all our IT and Cyber Security needs.

Pinny Dermer Accounts Payable
Mayim Chaim
New York Bottling

ItCon Gives Me the VIP Treatment!

Our #1 benefit from hiring ItCon is how they guide us in implementing proper security practices for all of our employees. Their support ticket system allows all of our issues to be addressed, systematically tracked and resolved in a timely manner. In the past, we had to run after IT companies in order for our needs to be attended to, let alone fixed. With ItCon, it’s the other way around! The team takes care of me like a VIP! They proactively contact me to resolve and close any outstanding issue that we encounter.

Many people understand technology, security issues, etc., but trustworthiness, expertise and high responsiveness are part of what makes an IT company stand out from the rest of the competition. The ability to address your company’s specific nuances and resolve them quickly, that’s the company I want to partner with.

Keren Solomons Chief Operating Officer
NetPower Electric

I Didn’t Believe It Would Happen To Me

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